Shawn Porter in a rare interview about ghosts, building a small business and passion.

Shawn Porter in a rare interview about ghosts, building a small business and passion.

Posted by Barton Quigley on May 16th 2024

Episode 15 of the Small Town Secret Sauce podcast

Small Town Secret Sauce Podcast with Shawn Porter of GhostStop

On Spotify and Apple

Here’s an incredible story about how scratching a creative itch and following the breadcrumb trail can lead to an unexpected entrepreneurial journey.

Shawn Porter is the founder and owner of GhostStop (@ghoststop), which manufactures and sells equipment for ghost hunting and paranormal investigations worldwide. They have been in business for 17 years — yes, 17 years! (As of 2024.) If you’ve ever seen a ghost hunting show on television, such as Ghost Hunters, then you’ve seen GhostStop equipment in action.

A journey into small business and growing downtown

Originally from Orlando, FL, GhostStop HQ is now in Lynchburg, VA, where they host local ghost hunting tours, which I highly recommended! And they have a brick-and-mortar shop on Commerce Street to equip the budding paranormal investigator.

In small business, passion is key.

As you will hear, Shawn is a curious, generous, and caring human being who infuses these wonderful qualities into his team’s operations and relationships with the community. Besides diving into GhostStop’s wildly fascinating origin, we talk a lot about the power of following your passions and how they can be a compass for creating the life you want.

Shawn also shares my observation about the plethora of opportunities for creating and growing a business here in The Hill City, thanks in large part to the amazing work that  Downtown Lynchburg Association (@downtownlynchburg), Lynchburg Economic Development Authority (@opportunitylyh), and many others do for small businesses here.

Enjoy the show!

Listen to Small Town Secret Sauce on Spotify and Apple for this and more inspiring insight for small business development and small town passion.